We go beyond heirarchy

To create resilient self-managing teams

Which adapt to an unstable world

Transform Your Leadership

We liberate leaders from the burdens of being at the top

By creating trustworthy self-managing teams they can hand over to

So they can be free to do more of what they love and what they are best at

<img src="burden.png" alt="Illustration of a somber group of people dressed formally, with serious expressions. A larger figure stands behind them, placing a hand on one person’s head in a gesture of authority". >
<img src="burden.png" alt="Illustration of a somber group of people dressed formally, with serious expressions. A larger figure stands behind them, placing a hand on one person’s head in a gesture of authority". >
<img src="burden.png" alt="Illustration of a somber group of people dressed formally, with serious expressions. A larger figure stands behind them, placing a hand on one person’s head in a gesture of authority". >

Evolve Your Organisation

We liberate everyone from outdated hierarchies

By creating

effective self-managing teams

So that everyone is empowered to lead their roles and participate in evolving their organisation

Evolve Your Organisation

Are you struggling with outdated & ineffective teamwork?

  • Unclear what people do & decide

  • Unproductive meetings

  • Poor Motivation

  • Managers are bottlenecks

  • Inability to innovate means can't keep up

    with fast-changing world...

<img src="frustrated people.png" alt="black silhouette people in frustration" >
<img src="frustrated man.png" alt="Silhouette of a person holding their head with both hands, surrounded by jagged lightning bolt shapes, symbolizing stress, frustration, or headache.">

Are you frustrated by things not working as well as they could and confused by how to collaborate to keep up?

Most of us are dominated by outdated hierarchical ways of working and trapped because we don't know how to do it differently.


<img src="hierarchy.png" alt=black squares with transparent fillings arranged in hierarchial shape">
<img src="top of mountain.png" alt="The silhouette of a person sitting in a crouched position, resting their head on their knees, surrounded by jagged lines, symbolizing distress, sadness, or anxiety.">


There is a simple way out.

Research by Google Identified 5 features of high performing teams - 2 of which are covered by our online team programs.

<img src="teamclarity.png" alt="Text reading 'Team Clarity & Faster Decision-Making' in teal and gray, next to a black circular design with overlapping circles containing smaller dots.">
<img src="themeetingsrevolution.png" alt="Text reading 'The Meetings Revolution' in gray and teal, next to an icon of raised hands below a fist in a circle, symbolizing empowerment and participation.">

We Have Worked With

What Our Clients Say

The Cost of Doing Nothing

In a fast-changing world, it's adapt or get left behind and die.

If your teams doesn't have clarity, it can't make decisions fast and pivot, so it gets stuck.

If your team can't have effective meetings, you will waste a lot of time & kill motivation.

If your team members don't feel safe enough to take risks then your team can't innovate and adapt.

<img src="virus.png" alt="black and white coloured virus evolving and getting bigger in black and white">

High-Performance in the digital age of complexity & instability doesn't look like it used to - imagine your team being:

More Effective

Fast-changing & complex

environments require increased

clarity, transparency & accountability, along with protocols for how to

engage with each other.

More Empowered

<img src="teamwork.png" alt="silhouettes of people raising hands and one large hand at top in circle">

Team members need autonomy and feel greater meaning, purpose & fulfilment in their work because they are empowered to contribute

their talents and creativity.


<img src="evolution.png" alt="beehives in black and white with beezing buzzing around" >

Teams need to become more resilient & innovative and so more able to adapt & evolve

in response to the complexity & instability of the digital age- just like a living system.

Our Founder

Since the mid-1990s, I have been studying, researching, experimenting with, practising and training people how to improve how they work together in teams and organisations.

I've worked with thousands of people (including as a Partner with HolacracyOne, the organization that founded Holacracy) and I am one of only 7 Holacracy Master Coaches in the world. I have distilled the lessons I've learned into a series of online programmes and expert support.

I lead on projects and work with our Associates/ Apprentices/ peers from a wide network of expertise as needed. Our purpose is to inspire, equip and support Changemakers to make changes by upgrading how well your teams are adapted to surviving and thriving in our complex and changing world

Nick Osborne Founder & Lead Trainer, Evolving Organisation

<img src="holacracymaster.png" alt="The logo for Holacracy Master Coach Level 3, featuring a teal symbol with a circle and chevron shapes, above the text 'LEVEL 3' and 'Holacracy Master Coach' in bold.">

Nick Osborne, our Lead Trainer is one of the few Holacracy Master Coaches in the world. This Certification "displays that an individual has the demonstrated capacity to support complex organizational transformations using Holacracy practices and principles, including adapting other organizational processes to better align with the paradigm shift behind Holacracy."

Holacracy is considered one of the gold-standard methods for creating Self-Managing Teams and new ways of working

<img src="certified experience product.png" alt="A circular badge with the text 'Certified Experience Product' in white and green, with a starburst pattern in the background and a scalloped dark gray border.">

Nick Osborne, our Lead Trainer has completed the Experience Product Masterclass for designing and leading gamified online learning programs which use a framework of 10 core experiences that increase student engagement, completion rates, and results.

<img src="beyondhierarchy.png" alt="Text reading 'The Beyond Hierarchy Project' in teal and gray, with a circular design of overlapping circles and dots surrounded by abstract figures on the right.">

24 Tor View Ave, Glastonbury BA6 8AF, United Kingdom