One way of describing Holacracy is a way of running organisations without managers.
The management hierarchy is removed and replaced by a rule-set which applies equally to everyone, where there are no privileged classes, no exceptions; and no person has person power/authority over another person or the system itself.
This creates the conditions for a power shift so that self-organisation emerges.
Purpose driven: so that purpose is visible and aligned at every level of scale: from organisational purpose - team purpose - individual purpose.
Responsive: everyone in an organisation senses different things, so they need multiple pathways to turn their challenges and opportunities into improvements so the organisation can respond quickly to a fast-changing environment and maintain agility as it scales.
Transparent: Clearly defined roles, responsibilities and power structure creates clear expectations and transparent authority at every level.
For a quick overview of Holacracy as a self-organizing system.
1hr 46 min total.
It's impossible to know how many organisations are using Holacracy because not every Holacracy-powered organization publicises their practice, all of the companies in this map have asked us to share!
You can also see a list of these organisations on this page of the HolacracyOne website with more details.
If your organisation is practicing Holacracy and you would like it to be included on this list and map, you can add your details via this form.
Holacracy is best introduced into your organisation in small steps, so that new practices can be learnt, embedded and built on each other.
Our affordable online Holacracy Adoption Program delivered in partnership with HolacracyOne as part of their suite of online Holacracy Courses will enable you to either adopt or adapt Holacracy in a flexible way, at your own pace.
But before diving in- do you know that your team/organisation is ready for it- contact us to discuss your team/organisation's readiness for such a bold leap!
24 Tor View Ave, Glastonbury BA6 8AF, United Kingdom