We go beyond heirarchy
Which adapt to an unstable world
We liberate leaders from the burdens of being at the top
By creating trustworthy self-managing teams they can hand over to
So they can be free to do more of what they love and what they are best at
We liberate everyone from outdated hierarchies
By creating
effective self-managing teams
So that everyone is empowered to lead their roles and participate in evolving their organisation
Unclear what people do & decide
Unproductive meetings
Poor Motivation
Managers are bottlenecks
Inability to innovate means can't keep up
with fast-changing world...
- brought team together - recognised challenges in lack of role clarity - recognised limitations in terms of capacity within the team, technology solutions - recognised "easy wins" in terms of individuals recognising their current role - ie write it down based on what you actually do, sharing with others, creating a trusted system - recognised it is a long term challenge to embed further in t...
The coaching sessions were very inspiring and opened up a whole new field for me, one that I plan to explore further on my own and integrate into my daily work. I truly hope that the new methods will take root in our company
The work you’ve done with us, as we go through the process of reorganising ourselves, has been really good. What I've particularly appreciated is the way you've gently challenged some of our assumptions and behaviours.
Our CEO decided to step down last Summer and rather than recruit a replacement, the team decided to look at alternative ways of working. Nick's support and coaching helped us maintain focus and as a result the CEO officially stepped down at the start of April. His guidance throughout the process has been invaluable as he's helped us find a way of working that is right for us as a team.
The training has brought the team closer together, helping us to view the work we do through a shared lense. There is more clarity around roles, decisions are being made more efficiently and everything just feels a bit more organised and alighned!
Nick and his team have a lot of experience, they are understanding and quickly identify the areas where I need help. They showed me new ways to structure roles, optimize the work process and make quick decisions, which will certainly help me in my work.
Working with Evolving Organisation helped me get clarity on the issues underlying our problems, really focusing on defining the tensions and then working on solutions to ease them. I'm really grateful for the sustained commitment and support I've received from Nick over a number of years. This has helped me not just with my immediate challenges, but in other parts of my life as well.
This course offered an exceptional opportunity to witness the foundations of a significant organisational transformation. It provided me with a robust understanding of Holacracy and Self-Management principles. The well-structured, engaging videos, paired with Nick's enthusiasm and expertise, created an educational experience that perfectly balanced sensitivity and productivity.
I would highly recommend the course to any Senior Management Team, or any team, that simply wants to work better and get more done and be happier in the process.
The course has been designed really thoughtfully and systematically. Nick introduces a few key practices every month. These practices are relevant for all organisations wanting to raise their game.
Nick's approach really helped us take one step at a time to unpick the issues and build the bones of a workable solution. He found space in the workshops for all voices and bought his out organizational insights to us to help us find workable ways forward.
Working through this coursework as a team allowed for our organization to build a foundation for working together that helped us to make decisions more efficiently and gave power to individual role holders to move work forward. Our team is working more efficiently together and we're getting more done.
Nick was a God-send. I can't imagine anyone who would answer our questions more clearly and promptly, or who would guide our meetings with more expertise as well as having a steady hand on the tiller when the emotional waters occasionally got turbulent during meetings!
In a fast-changing world, it's adapt or get left behind and die.
If your teams doesn't have clarity, it can't make decisions fast and pivot, so it gets stuck.
If your team can't have effective meetings, you will waste a lot of time & kill motivation.
If your team members don't feel safe enough to take risks then your team can't innovate and adapt.
Fast-changing & complex
environments require increased
clarity, transparency & accountability, along with protocols for how to
engage with each other.
Team members need autonomy and feel greater meaning, purpose & fulfilment in their work because they are empowered to contribute
their talents and creativity.
Teams need to become more resilient & innovative and so more able to adapt & evolve
in response to the complexity & instability of the digital age- just like a living system.
Since the mid-1990s, I have been studying, researching, experimenting with, practising and training people how to improve how they work together in teams and organisations.
I've worked with thousands of people (including as a Partner with HolacracyOne, the organization that founded Holacracy) and I am one of only 7 Holacracy Master Coaches in the world. I have distilled the lessons I've learned into a series of online programmes and expert support.
I lead on projects and work with our Associates/ Apprentices/ peers from a wide network of expertise as needed. Our purpose is to inspire, equip and support Changemakers to make changes by upgrading how well your teams are adapted to surviving and thriving in our complex and changing world
Nick Osborne, our Lead Trainer is one of the few Holacracy Master Coaches in the world. This Certification "displays that an individual has the demonstrated capacity to support complex organizational transformations using Holacracy practices and principles, including adapting other organizational processes to better align with the paradigm shift behind Holacracy."
Holacracy is considered one of the gold-standard methods for creating Self-Managing Teams and new ways of working
Nick Osborne, our Lead Trainer has completed the Experience Product Masterclass for designing and leading gamified online learning programs which use a framework of 10 core experiences that increase student engagement, completion rates, and results.
24 Tor View Ave, Glastonbury BA6 8AF, United Kingdom