Subscription to Monthly Online Group Coaching

Nick Osborne

Subscription to Monthly Online Group Coaching


If you: 

  • are taking any of our courses and want to ask questions about them or explore how your learning from the courses can be applied to your situation
  • are new to self-organisation and have some general questions about it and how it could work for you
  • are already practicing a form of self-organisation and have some challenges, confusions, questions
  • want to hear about others' questions and challenges.

Then sign up for these group coaching calls where you can ask your questions, bring your challenges and learn from others.

Or get in touch if you would like to try a free 30-minute 1-1 virtual coaching session to see if you would like to do that regularly.

The Monthly Online Group Coaching calls will be:

  • for up to an hour normally on the second Tuesday of each month at 07:00 US PT/10:00 US ET/15:00 UK/16:00 CET
  • online using Zoom so you will need a webcam and headphones or you can dial in on your phone
  • recorded and available to watch afterwards
  • available at other times to fit other time-zones on request. 

What you get: 

    • Ongoing coaching calls for the duration of your subscription
    • Ongoing access to the Understand Self-Organising and Lead your own Intro Workshop online courses for the duration of your subscription
    • Choice to cancel your subscription at any time.

Your Instructor
Nick Osborne

With over 25 years experience self-organising in private, public and non-profit sectors; employed, freelance, as an entrepreneur and volunteer; with organisations including Shell, Learning and Skills Improvement Service and the Princes Trust; in the UK, Europe,

North and South America Nick is now distilling his learning aboNick-Osborneut collaboration, self-organization, self-management and self-organizing systems into this suite of online courses.

He was the first Certified Holacracy Coach in the UK, the only UK-based  partner at HolacracyOne, was a partner with Evolution at Work, has an MSc in Management Development  & Social Responsibility and co-led the development of the Self-Organising System for the Extinction Rebellion UK.

Fair Pricing


Our standard prices are for profit-making organizations in the industrialized world.

If these prices are too high due to where you live in the world, or because your organization is not-for-profit, then get in touch to let us know what you would consider a fair price for your situation and why, and we’ll consider it.