
Self-Directed or Coach-Led, step-by-step online program for adopting (or adapting) Holacracy in your team or organisation, at your own pace. We've created the program and are pleased to deliver it in partnership with HolacracyOne as part of their suite of Holacracy Courses


If you adopt Holacracy in your team or organisation, then you'll need to understand, learn how to apply and adopt the Holacracy Constitution. 

It's not rocket science, but it's also easier said than done, and almost impossible to do it successfully and sustainably without suppport. 

Our online Adoption Program will equip you to adopt Holacracy or adapt it to your own version of Self-Organizing- though this is often more work and expense in the long run. It  provides support and guidance for adopting each article of the Holacracy Constitution separately and in whatever order works for you in a modular fashion. 

Here's the full text of the latest v5 of the Holacracy Constitution. 

Our Adoption Program is divided into 5 parts, 1 part for each of the 5 articles of the Constitution, with a structured learning journey to take your team through a monthly cycle of: 

  • introducing new content
  • providing homework for trying out new practices
  • survey questions to check progress at every stage
  • options for getting help from expert coaches when needed. 

Here's some excerpts from the Adoption Program to show what's included:

  • simple 1 or 2 page summaries of each of the 5 articles; with links to videos/digital resources included in the Adoption Program (these won't work unless you've signed up or it links to a free preview)
  • content list of each of the 5 parts of the Adoption Program, including links to some free previews. 

Summary of Article 1 with Links to the Adoption Program

Contents of the Adoption Program for Article 1- Organizational Structure

Module 1 Getting Started-
Unit 1 If this is your First Time with Us  
Unit 2 Foundations Program Overview  - Preview  
Unit 3 How to Rate your Progress  
Module 2 Define Roles & Track Tensions-
Unit 1 Understand Roles & Circles (15 mins)  
Unit 2 A New Understanding of Tensions (10 mins)  
Unit 3 Homework- Define Roles + Track Tensions  
Unit 4 Progress Check- Roles & Tensions  
Module 3 Process Tensions-
Unit 1 Lead your Roles (5 mins)  
Unit 2 Why Process Tensions? (7 mins)  
Unit 3 Introduction to Processing Tensions (9 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 4 Homework- Check Governance & Process Tensions  
Unit 5 Progress Check- Processing Tensions  
Module 4 How to Create Alignment & Order when Authority is Distributed-
Unit 1 Organize your Work in a Trusted System (15 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 2 Understand The Circle Lead Role (13 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 3 Why all these Rules and all this Structure? (26 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 4 Balancing Autonomy & Accountability (18 mins)  
Unit 5 Glossary of Holacracy Terms  
Module 5 Making the Foundations Stick-
Unit 1 SUMMARY: Article 1 of the Holacracy Constitution  - Preview  
Unit 2 HOMEWORK: Name Roles & Develop Your Trusted System  
Unit 3 PROGRESS CHECK: Name Roles & Develop Your Trusted System  
Unit 4 GET HELP: from a Coach  

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Summary of Article 2 of the Holacracy Constitution

Contents of the Adoption Program for Article 2- Rules of Cooperation

Module 1 Getting Started-
Unit 1 If this is your First Time with Us  
Unit 2 How to Rate your Progress  
Module 2 Introduction to Rules of Cooperation (1hr)-
Unit 1 Introduction to the Rules of Cooperation (8 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 2 Duty of Transparency (9 mins)  
Unit 3 Duty of Processing (7 mins)  
Unit 4 Duty of Prioritization (20 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 5 Understanding Checklists (5 mins)  
Unit 6 Understanding Metrics (10 mins)  
Module 3 Using the Rules of Cooperation-
Unit 1 Why don't People use the Rules of Cooperation? (8 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 2 Flowchart with Pathways for Processing Tensions  
Unit 3 Cleaning Up Communication (Opinions/Pitches/Requests/Decisions...)  
Module 4 Making the Rules of Cooperation Stick-
Unit 1 SUMMARY: Rules of Cooperation in the Holacracy Constitution  - Preview  
Unit 2 HOMEWORK: for the Rules of Cooperation  
Unit 3 PROGRESS CHECK: for the Rules of Cooperation  
Unit 4 GET HELP: from a Coach  

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Summary of Article 3 with Links to the Adoption Program

Contents of the Adoption Program for Article 3- Tactical Meetings

Module 1 Getting Started-
Unit 1 If this is your First Time with Us  
Unit 2 How to Rate your Progress  
Module 2 Introduction to Tactical Meetings (54 mins)-
Unit 1 Purpose (12 mins)  
Unit 2 Structure (7 mins)  
Unit 3 Triage (11 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 4 Outputs (12 mins)  
Unit 5 Logistics (6 mins)  
Unit 6 Common Misunderstandings (6 mins)  
Module 3 Tactical Meeting Roles-
Unit 1 The Facilitator (1-Pager)  
Unit 2 The Secretary (1-Pager)  
Module 4 Resources for Tactical Meetings-
Unit 1 Tactical Meeting Card  
Unit 2 Written Summary of the Tactical Meeting Process  
Unit 3 5 Top Tactical Meeting Tips (14 mins)  
Unit 4 Clips from 2 Tactical Meetings (19 mins + 16mins)  
Module 5 For Facilitators-
Unit 1 Guide to Facilitating Tactical Meetings (55 mins)  
Unit 2 Signpost to Facilitator Training  
Module 6 Making Tactical Meetings Stick-
Unit 1 SUMMARY: Tactical Meetings in the Holacracy Constitution  - Preview  
Unit 2 HOMEWORK: for Tactical Meetings  
Unit 3 PROGRESS CHECK: for Tactical Meetings  
Unit 4 GET HELP: from a Coach  

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Summary of Article 4 with Links to the Adoption Program

Contents of the Adoption Program for Article 4- Distributed Authority

Module 1 Getting Started-
Unit 1 If this is your First Time with Us  
Unit 2 How to Rate your Progress  
Module 2 Distributing Authority to Deepen the Powershift-
Unit 1 Intro to Distributed Authority (14 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 2 How Much Authority do I Really Have? (8 mins)  
Unit 3 What if We Disagree About Expectations? (11 mins)  
Unit 4 What if I Need to Break the Rules or Act Beyond my Roles? (10 mins)  
Unit 5 What if I Need to Spend Money? (14 mins)  
Module 3 Resources for Distributed Authority-
Unit 1 New Accountability for the Secretary Role  
Unit 2 Flowchart with Pathways for Processing Tensions  - Preview  
Unit 3 Signpost to Circle Lead Training  
Module 4 Making Distributed Authority Stick-
Unit 1 SUMMARY: Distributed Authority in the Holacracy Constitution  
Unit 2 HOMEWORK: for Distributed Authority  
Unit 3 PROGRESS CHECK: for Distributed Authority  
Unit 4 GET HELP: from a Coach  

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Summary of Article 5 with Links to the Adoption Program

Contents of the Adoption Program for Article 5- Governance Process

Module 1 Getting Started-
Unit 1 If this is your First Time with Us  
Unit 2 How to Rate your Progress  
Module 2 Introduction to Governance-
Unit 1 Purpose of Governance (7 mins)  
Unit 2 Governance Process Step-by-Step (12 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 3 Written Summary of the Governance Meeting Process  
Unit 4 Integrative Decision Making (10 mins)  
Unit 5 Concerns, Objections & Integration (11 mins)  
Unit 6 Elections  
Unit 7 Governance Outputs  
Unit 8 Governance Logistics & Participation  
Module 3 Governance Roles-
Unit 1 New Accountabilities for Facilitator & Secretary Roles  - Preview  
Unit 2 Signpost to Secretary Training  
Module 4 Resources for the Governance Process-
Unit 1 Governance Meeting Card  
Unit 2 Introducing the Circle Rep Role  
Unit 3 Rules in the Constitution which can be Modified by Policies  
Unit 4 What to do if the Process Breaks Down?  
Unit 5 Clips from a Governance Meeting (5 mins)  
Unit 6 Signpost to Governance in More Depth  
Module 5 For Facilitators-
Unit 1 Guide to Facilitating Governance Meetings (43 mins)  
Unit 2 Signpost to Facilitator Training  
Module 6 Making the Governance Process Stick-
Unit 1 SUMMARY: Governance Process in the Holacracy Constitution  - Preview  
Unit 2 HOMEWORK: for the Governance Process  
Unit 3 PROGRESS CHECK: for the Governance Process  
Unit 4 GET HELP: from a Coach  

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How to do it? Adopt or Adapt? Are you Ready?

Holacracy is best introduced into your organisation in small steps, so that new practices can be learnt, embedded and built on each other. 

Our affordable online Holacracy Adoption Program delivered in partnership with HolacracyOne as part of their suite of online Holacracy Courses will enable you to either adopt or adapt Holacracy in a flexible way, at your own pace. 

But before diving in- do you know that your team/organisation is ready for it? If not then introduce them to the basics with our Understand Self-Organizing program, and then take our Readiness Assessment to see how ready your team/organisation members really are. 
