
Self-Directed Package Options

Buy Each Part Separately

£300 for each Part for up to 10 People (5 Parts in total)


Most Flexible Option
Choose which parts to adopt, buy them one at a time, no need to buy them all


Buy All 5 Parts Together

£1,500 for all 5 parts for up to 10 people


Most coherent option
Access all parts at the same time, no need to purchase separately


The 5 Modules of the Program

Module 1 Foundations of Self-Organizing
Defining Roles, Processing Tensions & Developing a Trusted System
(Article 1)

The first and foundational pieces which need to be in place before trying more advanced self-organizing practices.

Rules of Cooperation
(Article 2)

Roles rely on each other without Managers for Responses/Transparency/Priority Alignment.

More Info & Registration

Tactical Meetings
(Article 3)

Effective operational meetings to sync-up, align, quickly remove obstacles and identify next steps.

More Info & Registration

Distributed Authority
(Article 4)

When authority is distributed & power shifts, intelligence from the system comes into coherence.

Governance Process
(Article 5)

A clear process for distributing authority with role clarity and accountability.

More Info & Registration

Each part of the program covers one article of v5 of the Holacracy Constitution

You may choose to adopt or adapt each article as needed

there's no need to adopt the articles in the order they are in the Constitution, THOUGH THE FOUNDATIONS ARE NEEDED FIRST!

Register for the Foundations of Self-Organizing
Defining Roles, Processing Tensions & Developing a Trusted System

This first part of the 5-part Self-Organization Adoption Program covers the essentials of what you need to know and put in place to adopt/adapt the first foundational article of v5 of the Holacracy Constitution and some accompanying practices; or just adopt some of the self-organizing practices which are included therein. 

There's a lot to it, so it's recommended to be done over 3 months in a single team or multiple teams, but can be done at whatever pace you like. 


See the Program Outline and Free Previews below for more details of the content;  includes short videos (typically 5-15 mins) along with some 1-page summaries, curated articles, instructions for homework and optional extra content for those who want to dive deeper. 


This is one part of a modular package of 5 Parts of the Self-Organization Adoption Program each covering 1 article of v5 of the Holacracy Constitution so that you can adopt it one step at a time at a pace that suits your situation

See here for details of all 5 parts of the Program

Register here!

  • Price £300 for 1-10 people from a single organization. 1 person registers, then you will be sent a link so others from your organisation can register

  • Contact us if you want to register more than 10 people from the same organization for discounted prices

  • This gives access to the online MATERIALS for 1 year

  • 30-day full-refund if you are not fully satisfied.

Fair Pricing


Our standard prices are for profit-making organizations in the industrialized world.

If these prices are too high due to where you live in the world, or because your organization is not-for-profit, then get in touch to let us know what you would consider a fair price for your situation and why, and we’ll consider it. 

FOUNDATIONS: Roles, Tensions & Your Trusted System
Module 1 Getting Started-
Unit 1 If this is your First Time with Us  
Unit 2 Foundations Program Overview  - Preview  
Unit 3 How to Rate your Progress  
Module 2 Define Roles & Track Tensions-
Unit 1 Understand Roles & Circles (15 mins)  
Unit 2 A New Understanding of Tensions (10 mins)  
Unit 3 Homework- Define Roles + Track Tensions  
Unit 4 Progress Check- Roles & Tensions  
Module 3 Process Tensions-
Unit 1 Lead your Roles (5 mins)  
Unit 2 Why Process Tensions? (7 mins)  
Unit 3 Introduction to Processing Tensions (9 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 4 Homework- Check Governance & Process Tensions  
Unit 5 Progress Check- Processing Tensions  
Module 4 How to Create Alignment & Order when Authority is Distributed-
Unit 1 Organize your Work in a Trusted System (15 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 2 Understand The Circle Lead Role (13 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 3 Why all these Rules and all this Structure? (26 mins)  - Preview  
Unit 4 Balancing Autonomy & Accountability (18 mins)  
Unit 5 Glossary of Holacracy Terms  
Module 5 Making the Foundations Stick-
Unit 1 SUMMARY: Article 1 of the Holacracy Constitution  - Preview  
Unit 2 HOMEWORK: Name Roles & Develop Your Trusted System  
Unit 3 PROGRESS CHECK: Name Roles & Develop Your Trusted System  
Unit 4 GET HELP: from a Coach